A field observation to determine if the HVAC system’s installation is correct and complete. The observation will include items such as:

Jobsite Inspections
- Is the ductwork intact?
- Are any end caps missing?
- Are the access doors installed and secured tightly?
- Are there openings in the ductwork?
- Are any inlets or outlets missing?
- Are the turning vanes installed correctly?
- Is the ductwork, including fan inlets and outlets, installed according to the drawings and specifications?
- Is the ductwork free of debris?
- Are all duct dampers, including fire and smoke dampers, installed and accessible?
- Are all terminal boxes, reheat coils, electrical reheat components, etc. installed and accessible?
- Does the return air have an unobstructed path from each conditioned space back to the unit?
- Is the building architecturally complete?
- Are all doors, windows, ceilings, partitions, etc. installed?
- Are filters installed correctly and have frames that will not allow leakage?
- Are the coils clean and properly installed?
- Are the drive components installed?
- Are the automatic control dampers installed in the correct location?
- Are the fan housings, plenums, etc. installed according to the drawings and specifications and properly sealed?
- Is the flexible connection installed properly?
- Is the fan wheel aligned properly, with proper clearance between it and the housing?
- Are suitable traverse locations available?
- Is the piping intact and free of leaks?
- Are the piping, pumps, and equipment installed according to the drawings and specifications?
- Are all valves, flow meters, or temperature/ pressure taps installed for a complete TAB?
- Are all valves, flow meters, or temperature/ pressure taps accessible?
- Are all valves piped correctly?
- Are all terminal coils installed correctly and accessible?
- Are the terminals piped correctly?
- Is the piping free of debris?
- Has the system been cleaned and flushed?
- Are air vents properly installed?
- Are vibration isolators properly installed and adjusted?
- Are flexible connections installed properly?