Preliminary Plan Review
A thorough examination of all specifications, submittals and plans including shop drawings…
Deficiency Reports
Included in all ABCO services. Designed to highlight any abnormalities or outstanding items to the customer.
Smoke Control Testing
Complete testing and balancing of all smoke control systems in accordance to the project specifications.
HVAC Surveys & Phased Retrofit Pre Construction Testing
A thorough examination of all HVAC systems prior to any construction projects.
Jobsite Inspections
A field observation to determine if the HVAC system’s installation is correct and complete.
Sound Testing
Perform sound testing to determine the installed equipments acoustic performance.
Kitchen Hood Certification
A complete test and balance of the installed kitchen hood, exhaust fan, make-up air fan, and associated distribution.
Duct Pressure Testing
Used to determine the amount of air any section of duct is leaking at a specified pressure.
Test & Balance of Air & Hydronics
To perform testing, adjusting, and balancing on each system in accordance with AABC standards and procedures.
Vibration Testing
Perform vibration testing to determine if the equipment is within the project and/ ormanufactures specification
CAD / Computer Modeling / Drawings
Replicated construction and/ or survey drawings that are color coded to easily identify systems and individual outlets of a project.
Pneumatic Controls & Calibration
A complete balancing of all pressure independent and pressure dependent pneumatic systems.
Indoor Air Quality Surveys
Used to determine the air quality within and around buildings as it relates to health and comfort of building occupants.
Hospital Critical Room Certification
Perform testing, adjusting, and balancing of all hospital critical areas